Friday, April 13, 2007

Staff Day is April 27, 2007

This is just a reminder to staff that we are all required to be there. It's my hope that everyone will join together for a fun day in the great outdoors as we get serious and silly attempting to work as a team. CCPL is becoming a large organization with many complicated parts. If every wheel turns in unison the company will be able to move forward. I encourage everyone to actively participate in all aspects of the day. The folks who elect not to join in the outdoor games will be otherwise kept busy working with the Extension Manager (who would prefer getting to know all of you in a different setting). Let's join together to make the day a positive experience for everyone!


Beth Bell said...

Hopefully everyone will enjoy this change of pace Staff Day. The event has moved from the Main Library to a County Park, only 1 speaker, team building activities, and hot food for lunch. It sounds like fun, but then again I am on the Staff Day Committee.

Amanda said...

Hi Beth: I have to say I really enjoyed staff day this year! It was nice to be outside on such a beautiful day (how many times do we pine for outside on days like today??) and I even got a chance to wear my goofy new bright orange converse tennis shoes. :) In all seriousness, thank you for your hard work to put on the event!

~Amanda @ Main Ref