Thursday, August 23, 2007

It's a new day

A small piece of advice to new bloggers: don't move too quickly from your preview of a new posting, you could lose it like I just did. So this is an attempt to recreate the lost posting.

My other blog is called, "The dog's blog". Everyone so far has been extremely creative in their naming of their quests. So, Garfy is responsible for mine.

The Diversity Task Force is up and running. We had our first meeting last week that was very successful with lots of new ideas emerging from several members. Watch this committee for good stuff to happen.

The new director of the Berkeley County Library, Donna Osborne, met with us yesterday. She proposed that Otranto patrons be able to use their Branches for the duration of the renovation. She's a little lady with big ideas. This new level of cooperation will allow us to join forces to provide ever-better library service to all our customers. This is an exciting arena that we'd never explored before.

!Hasta luego!